Jeff travel's in Los Angeles to search out the
Jeff finds his way to Baja, California in search of the grey whale
A journey through Yellowstone National Park to find a Bobcat
Jeff searches the Belize Coast for Frigates and Boobies
A search of the Louisiana Bayou:
For the Congo Eel
Homassa Springs, FL In search ofManatees
In Costa Rica: Rincon De La Vieja. The Leatherback Turtle
Lookin for a Bush Baby in Djuma, South Africa
The dangerous King Cobra in Kao Yai National Park, Thailand
Costa Rica Corcovado: In search of the Two Toed Sloth
Llanos, Venezuela: Lookin for the Capybara
Nzaland, South Africa:
Looking for the rare and reclusive Aardwolf
Search for the Brown Bear
Snake River, Idaho: Prairie Falcons
Thailand Khao
Sok National Park: Binturong
Tsavo East National Park In
Kenya: Rock Hydrax
Badlands South Dakota -- Black Footed Ferret
Glacier Montana: Grizzly Bear
Borneo Looking for the Orangutan
Sonoran Desert: Gila Monster
Olympic National Park, Washington - Bald Eagle
Visit's Borneo
Visit to India, and a Snake Milking Experience