Apply For Our
Wild About Your Website, 
World of Wonder Award
or Splash Of Class Award

(Personalized For Your Site)

Wildaward.JPG (59853 bytes)

Award #1 Wild Award
(Personalized with Website Name)

worlsample.jpg (31673 bytes)

Award #2 World Award
(Personalized with Website Name)

Award # 3 Class Award
(Personalized with Website Name

Visit Our Winners Pages 

1. If your webpage is child friendly. (no bad language or adult content) This is a big problem and a definite way to not win the award. We don't accept sites with any nudity, even partial.  No obscene pictures, 4 letter words or worse, advertising of alcohol, drugs, or adult material. So far this has been the only reason we have had to decline applicants.

2. You are willing to link your award to this site, if you are a winner.

3.  You must be wild about animals like me.

4.  Animal or Kid Type pages are great but not required.

5. Please have the basic HTML knowledge to place the award with a link on your site.  We don't mind helping a little but it's hard to walk someone through steps like that. Also, your email must be set up to accept attachements.

6. We'd appreciate it if you would Sign Our Guest Book, although it doesn't determine whether or not you get the award, we like to know who you are. I also must be able to e-mail the award to you, since it is always personalized, I cannot store awards on my website.

7. We have gotten some submissions from incomplete websites.  We don't mind a work in progress but please be sure your site has some nice content.

8.Please don't try to sell me anything and also if the site is in another language other than English, I have a tough time making sure it is child friendly.  You may apply, but if I don't understand it, I may not be able to award it.

9. Your page must be easily accessible, no passwords or required sign ins. 

10.  If your page meets my requirements submit the information below and we will be in touch with you soon.



           Alycia and Mom Wendy



If you do not have a website, You may also apply for a printable version of award #2 or 3 
And get your name listed on our Award Winners Page.

Send An Email With Your name, email address, award #, and put 
Printable Wild Award in the subject line

Please fill in the form below completely, and submit it, and we'll come see your site.
If you cannot use Email Forms,
Email Us with the information below.

1. Your Name:
2. Web site name:
3. Web URL:
4. How did you hear about our award?:
5. Which award # and Name are you applying for?:

6. Can you receive graphics attached through e-mail? Check for yes.

7. Did you read and fully understand our rules for the award? Check for yes.

8. Did you sign our Guestbook Yes  No

Please describe your website below:

Sign And View My Guestbook

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